Where We Started

Our Story

The history of Hope Baptist Church is a short one. We began as a desire in the heart of Pastor Steve and his family. God began burdening his heart to start a church in Butler County. He was convinced that we needed more sound churches that would reach out with the news of salvation and disciple people in their faith. Pastor Steve was also firmly convicted that the Lord’s churches have the authority to start churches, so in February 2012, he began to search for a church that would authorize a New Testament Baptist Church. In March 2012, Pastor Steve began an internship at Addyston Baptist Church led by Pastor David Pitman. 

The internship proved to be a great blessing to our Pastor and our ministry. Pastor Pitman and the people of Addyston Baptist Church will always have a special place in our hearts. 

During our internship, the Lord began to provide faithful families who attended our weekly Bible studies before our launch. During this time, Hope began to grow and the one year internship was coming to a close. 

By God’s grace, in February 2013, Hope Baptist Church was established as an independent Baptist Church and Pastor Steve was ordained to the gospel ministry. 

In November 2013, God gave us a permanent location in Fairfield, Ohio. Less than a month later, we had our first worship service at our new location. After many hours of work (and over 300 gallons of paint), we have a home we are thankful to share. Our desire is to be a blessing to Fairfield and reach souls with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We want our church to be a place where people can find answers, be taught, and have hope! 

While our story continues to be written, it is our prayer that God will be glorified, that sinners will come to faith in Jesus Christ and that families will be strengthened through the teaching of God’s Word. 

Come join us and help us write the next chapter of our story.